Efinity Software


Simple, Easy-to-Use Toolflow

Free license now available!

The Efinity® software provides a complete RTL-to-bitstream flow. With a simple, easy to use GUI interface and command-line scripting support, the software provides the tools you need to build designs for Titanium and Trion® FPGAs. The software runs on the Windows, Ubuntu, and Red Hat Enterprise operating systems.

Software Highlights

Project Editor icon


Project management to keep your design files organized

Dashboard icon


Easy-to-use dashboard to run the tool flow automatically or manually

Interface Designer icon

Language Support

Verilog HDL, SystemVerilog, and VHDL

Interface Designer icon

Interface Designer

Constrain logic and assign pins to blocks in the device periphery

IP Manager icon

IP Manager

Configure and add buildling blocks to your project

Floorplan Viewer icon

Floorplan Viewer

Browse through your design's logic and routing placement

Netlist Viewer icon

Netlist Viewer

Displays and analyzes your design's netlist

Timing Browser icon

Timing Browser

Browse timing and perform static timing analysis

Simulation icon


Supports simulation flows using the ModelSim, NCSim, or free iVerilog simulators

BRAM Updater icon

BRAM Initial
Content Updater

Update initial BRAM without performing a full compile

Python icon

Python API

Use scripts to build your design's interface

Package Planner icon

Package Planner

Assign logic to package pins and view the pinout graphically

Hardware Debugger icon

Hardware Debugger

Integrated hardware Debugger with Logic Analyzer and Virtual I/O debug cores

Programmer icon


GUI and command-line Programmer to configure your FPGA

JTAG SVF Player icon


Sends JTAG command to an FPGA

Bitstream Authentican and Encryption icon

Bitstream Authentication and Encryption

Sign and/or encrypt bitstreams

Download the Efinity Software - FREE

Efinix provides FREE licenses for the Efinity software. Alternatively, when you buy a development kit, you also get a software license and one year of upgrades. After the first year you can request a free maintenance renewal. The version you get is not a watered down web edition, it supports all of our FPGAs. For an entry-level board, try the Xyloni development kit, which you can buy online from DigiKey.

To get a free license, register for our Support Center. Then click the Efinity page to request a free license. You will receive the license plus 1 year of maintenance (upgrades and patches) for 1 year. You can request another year of maintenance for free at any time.


New in v2024.1

The Efinity software v2024.1 has the following new features and enhancements:

  • Introduces transceiver support for Titanium FPGAs
    • Supports PCI Express up to Gen4x4
    • Supports Ethernet 10GBase-KR
  • New device support: Ti375, Ti240, and Ti165 FPGAs in N1156 and N484 packages
  • Adds bitstream support for Ti35 and Ti60 FPGAs in F256 packages
  • Improved Tcl scripting for timing analysis
  • Improved compile times for Titanium designs
  • New Efinity Transceiver Debugger tool to assist with transceiver debug and analysis
  • New IP Packager tool for packaging design files as standalone IP for use in the IP Manager
  • Updated Python API for transceiver blocks

Efinity Software Interface

Efinity Software


Efinity Software Tutorials

Efinity Software Overview

Using the Efinity Debug Wizard

Instantiate a Debug Core Manually

Create a Sapphire SoC

The following videos walk you through how to use the Efinity Interface Designer.

Interface Designer Overview

How to Create GPIO Blocks

How to Create LVDS Blocks

How to Create Simple PLL Blocks

How to Create Advanced PLL Blocks

How to Create MIPI Blocks

How to Create DDR DRAM Blocks